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Nutrigenomics has a solution of Lifestyle Diseases

  • Diabetes is a growing challenge in India with an estimated 8.7% diabetic population in the age group of 20 and 70 years. The rising prevalence of diabetes and other no communicable diseases is driven by a combination of factors - rapid urbanization, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, tobacco use, and increasing life expectancy.
  • Over 30 million have now been diagnosed with diabetes in India. The CPR (Crude Prevalence Rate) in the urban areas of India is thought to be 9 %. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance is thought to be around 8.7 per cent in urban areas and 7.9 per cent in rural areas, although this estimate may be too high.
  • Nutrigenomics has a solution to your problems of Lifestyle diseases are combined results of Genes and Environments like Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Meditation and Health.
  • Today, doctors has to heavily depend upon clinical management of lifestyle diseases because controlling lifestyle factor is a complex issue, but this complex diet, exercise and lifestyle management can be made simple and precise using persons own genetic makeup. This science of recommendations of Diet & Exercise-based upon genetic makeup is called Nutrigenomics.
Now the question is to whom Nutrigenomics is applicable?
  • Ideally, Nutrigenomics testing is beneficial to everyone for managing lifestyle diseases, but stubborn cases should definitely utilize Nutrigenomics testing. This is because through their genetic makeup we can identify the underlying causes of their stubbornness.
  •  Since everyone is unique, Nutrigenomics helps in providing unique and personalized lifestyle recommendations, for the management of Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Health, PCOS and Food intolerance's through gene-based Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle.


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