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Pharmacogenomics new technology for Critical Illness

DNA testing is a powerful tool for identification and has many practical applications of the body. Gene therapy is important to test parents or fetuses for genetic conditions or birth defects, identifying the particular ailments of the body.  At the heart of DNA testing is the molecule DNA. It carries our genetic code and determines traits from eye color to aspects of our personalities. Every cell in our bodies, from the heart to skin, blood to the bone - contains a complete set of our DNA.
Now the question arises that what DNA does beneficial to us, the answer is 99.9% of the DNA from two people will be identical. The 0.1% of DNA code sequences that vary from person to person is what makes us unique. These sequences are called genetic markers and are the part of the code that forensic scientists use when doing a DNA test. Identical twins are the only people who have identical genetic markers. However, the more closely related two people are, the more likely it is that some of their genetic markers will be similar. The key to DNA testing knows where to look in the billions of letters of genetic code to find the genetic markers that will identify the important similarities or differences between people.
Pharmacogenomics is the new technology to suggest specific medication of your ailments present in the body on the bases of genetic (DNA) analysis.


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