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The Leadership is an Art
An effective leadership can be thought of as a set of qualities and skills. Different leaders may have different makeups, different strengths and challenges. But there are certain traits that lie at the core of leadership--the qualities that all great leaders share. There are the certain qualities inherent should have like lead with passion, make communication a priority, commitments with the team and lead decisiveness.

To prove a great leader inspire others with honesty and integrity, set an example for commitments and passion, communicate clearly your goals and objectives of individual and team development, creativity and innovation is an important role of a good leadership. He should set a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) goals for themselves and team with an accountability, should delegate and empowerment of teammates with strong convictions and decision making. The great leaders always give success to the team and own the failures.

It is the job of leaders to develop a vision—establish what matters and articulate why—set direction, and inspire others. Leadership does not rely on one’s title, seniority, or ability to exert power. Rather, leaders cultivate a desire in those with whom they collaborate to strive toward a common goal—which can be accomplished successfully through different styles of leadership. Recent research on the skills leaders need establishes the increasing importance of inner resources of the psyche such as self-awareness and self-mastery. However, in the present scenario of modern leadership based on emotions and traditional autocratic and submissive leadership has changed.

 Discuss, Demonstrate, Derived and deploy the goals to the team the way you may prove yourself.


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