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Showing posts from 2018
The significance of Employees Attrition Although a study contacted in the year 2013 about reasons of employee's retention and recently "Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness" has conducted the same study of employee's and reached the same conclusion that employees are not leaving organization just because of financial allurements, some other major factors are responsible for the same. An indefinite behavior of reporting manager :    Coaching, Counseling, Motivation and Development are the 4 major factors of keeping your employees updating for better efficacy and smart working of their teammates, but most of the managers are not putting efforts on same. However, their teammates are confused what exactly reporting manager's want reasons they are doing many mistakes while working resulting managers are shouting, insulting and humiliating their teammates repeatedly and employees quit the organization. A good employee is always an asset for t...
The Leadership is an Art An effective leadership can be thought of as a set of qualities and skills. Different leaders may have different makeups, different strengths and challenges. But there are certain traits that lie at the core of leadership--the qualities that all great leaders share. There are the certain qualities inherent should have like lead with passion, make communication a priority, commitments with the team and lead decisiveness. To prove a great leader inspire others with honesty and integrity, set an example for commitments and passion, communicate clearly your goals and objectives of individual and team development, creativity and innovation is an important role of a good leadership. He should set a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) goals for themselves and team with an accountability, should delegate and empowerment of teammates with strong convictions and decision making. The great leaders always give success to the team a...